Sunday, July 3, 2011

Coming Home

Tomorrow we will return home!


You must meet the plane arriving at SEATAC at 7:33PM

We are on US AIRWAYS 73 arriving from Phoenix.

We look forward to seeing you at the airport.  

Pastor Bryan and the Cofradia Team

Off to Puerto Vallarta

This morning we took off to Puerto Vallarta. Because our flight is early tomorrow we are spending the night in a hotel in Puerto Vallarta. The team has done an amazing job over the past week and you should be so proud of the work they have done and the lives they have touched.

Youth Outreach

Over the past week we have been creating great relationships with the youth in Cofradia. After two great youth outreaches we helped put on and participate in "THE RETO". "THE RETO" is a challenge that the youth do in the fall for 5-6 weeks. Tonight we had over 60 students involved in an event that resembled amazing race and survivor. They competed in teams where they were running all over town, building a fire, following clues, and participating in challenges. At the end of "THE RETO" We had a chance to share the gospel and encourage the students to start or grow in their relationship with Christ. Our students then had a chance to pray with many of the youth as we closed out our time with the students.

Today was a great day.

Pastor Bryan and the Cofradia Team

Finished Home!

Today we finished the home and handed over the keys! After painting and installing the doors and windows we build a small wall on the patio to keep the rain from building up, and preformed a few clean up tasks then we were done. We held a small ceremony to pray for the family and hand over the keys. It was an amazing feeling for the team to watch as the family opened the door to their home for the first time knowing they now had a dry, safe, private and protected place to live.

We will post pictures when we have better internet connection.

Outreach in Paso Real

Tonight we went on our 2nd and last town outreach. In Paso Real the students again did a great job working with students and children. The relationships we worked on building earlier on with the youth have really been blossoming as we have had a chance to do outreaches with them. Our students again did all the program stuff from the night before and did a great job. I was particularly proud of the students reaching out and moving in groups all around the town square praying with people after the message and invitation.

Today was another great day.

Pastor Bryan and the Cofradia Team

Lunch in homes

Today after construction we were invited into homes to have lunch with people in town. Like before we split up into 5 groups with translators to share a meal, experience culture, and pray for people. Every student loved the time they had to meet someone new and to share in a meal in their homes.

Stucco, Roof and Patio

Today we went to work a little early trying to get a jump on the tasks for the day. We started by getting every student to finish the stucco on the inside and outside of the home. Then we finished leveling the patio and poured cement posts to hold the roof up over the patio. Finally we put the roofing up and this started to look almost like a finished home.

Outreach in Pilas

Tonight we went out on our first outreach. The team did a phenomenal job. If you were here you would be so proud of them. They went out and invited people from town into the outreach then started our children and youth carnival games handing out candy, painting faces, playing games and adding smiles to the lives of the children of Pilas. The program started with Sebastian giving a Yo Yo demonstration, then the band from Cofradia played a few worship songs, one of the youth from Cofradia preformed a rap, then our drama team shared their drama, and finally Pastor Gollo came and gave a gospel message where 30+ people came forward for prayer and to receive Christ.

Today was a good day.

Pastor Bryan and the Cofradia Team

Walls, Patio, Stucco, Berm

Today for construction we finished the walls, finished leveling the patio, built a berm to prevent rain from getting into the house and started to stucco the house. Everyone worked very hard. It has been a blast to have the family working along side of us and see their excitement to move into their new home.

Will post photos when we get better internet connection. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Beach and Rain

Today we took the team to the beach. It rained most of the day but everyone had a great time. We swam in the ocean as we watched thunder and lightning storms inland. We then took the team on a jungle cruise to a freshwater pool where we swam and relaxed for a few hours. Everyone enjoyed a great day at the beach. And because of the rain, no sunburns!

- Pastor Bryan and the Cofradia Team

Salo and Amalia

Salo and Amalia have been part of the church community for a number of years now. They began attending church after a very difficult time during which their house burnt down and they lost their twin babies that were born prematurely. In the last few years they have grown in in their faith and so have their two children Junior and Esperanza. The family regularly attend church and family group services. The four of them have been living in one room with very little room and no privacy. They are very excited for the huge blessing of a new home.

- Pastor Bryan and the Cofradia Team